Legendary man-about-town Thomas has captured but a small selection of the Humans of Modifyre in 2019. Big thanks for these fabulous images, and thanks to everyone in them for embodying fabulousnessness all over our paddock!
Image Credit: Thomas Oliver (www.thomasoliver.photo, @thomas__oliver)
Just a fabulous creature (and loose end)
Just another fabulous creature
Majestic is his name, and majestic is his nature.
From North America
Friendly neighbour from the camper van next ‘door’
Taken shortly after the ice cream van arrived
Theatre kids/goth nerds; conjuring Satan–politely.
Our brave and fearless leader. Backlit sunsets and full optimism.
Dreads match dreams match bamboo.
Josh, just before Melina and Joseph’s wedding. He’s always the minstrel and never the bride, yet often sombreroed and frequently diaphanous.
Alex, just before the wedding. Probably wearing a blanket and hat his Serbian mother made him.
Image Credit: Thomas Oliver (www.thomasoliver.photo, @thomas__oliver)