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A collection of clippings from the ruminatings, schemings and happenings from our organisation and its members...

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Theme Camps: A Deeper Exploration

The Bug

MODIFYRE 2019 – Theme Camp Registrations are now OPEN!

Perhaps you've been wondering, what is a theme camp? Are you curious about what it takes? Or do you have some ideas that you would like to share, or questions you'd like to ask?

This will be an interactive session, where registered and not-yet registered theme camps, and any other interested parties are encouraged to attend so that we can discuss your ideas, assist with collaboration, answer questions, and work out where best to position you on the paddock. We'll also discuss power sharing options, sound and all things theme camp-related.

We look forward to catching up with you all!

Anj and Baz Theme Camp Co-ordinators - Modifyre 2019: Secret Garden

Theme Camps: A Deeper Exploration

2pm - 4pm

Sunday, 2nd June, 2019

East Brisbane Bowls Club

Photo: Spygel


BURN Arts Inc. and the Modifyre community wish to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Country
upon which Modifyre takes place, the Bigambul Peoples.  


We also wish to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Country upon which we al live, learn and work.
We honour their Ancestors and pay our deepest respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging.  


We extend that respect to all First Nations People, for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the nation. We honour and respect their continued cultural and spiritual relationship
to their Traditional Lands, Seas and Waters and recognise their unique and valuable contribution to society.  


Sovereignty was never ceded.

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